How LINQ is beneficial than Stored Procedures :-
var sortedProducts =
from p in products
orderby p.ProductName
select p;
var sortedProducts =
from p in products
orderby p.Category, p.UnitPrice descending
select p;
foreach (var i in orderGroups)
foreach ( var g in i.Products )
the above statement is used to iterate through the Product collection in each group g in the orderGroups
var uniqueFirstChars = productFirstChars.Union(categoriesFirstChars);
var IntersectFirstChars = productFirstChars.Intersect(categoriesFirstChars);
var ExceptFirstChars = productFirstChars.Except(categoriesFirstChars);
var q =
from c in categories
join p in products on c equals p.Category
select new { Category = c, p.ProductName };
static void Main(string[] args)
//assign lambda expression to a delegate:
myDel myDelegate = myExp => myExp / 10;
int intRes = myDelegate(110);
Console.WriteLine("Output {0}", intRes);
//Create an expression tree type
//This needs System.Linq.Expressions
Expression<myDel> myExpDel = myExp => myExp /10;
Note: The => operator has the same precedence as assignment (=) and is right-associative.
Lambdas are used in method-based LINQ queries as arguments to standard query operator methods such as Where.
It stands for Language Integrated
Query. LINQ is collection of standard query operators that provides the query
facilities into .NET framework language like C# , VB.NET.
class IntroToLINQ
static void
// The Three
Parts of a LINQ Query:
// 1. Data source.
numbers = new int[7]
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
// 2. Query
// numQuery
is an IEnumerable<int>
var numQuery =
from num in
where (num % 2) == 0
select num;
// 3. Query
(int num in
Console.Write("{0,1} ", num);
How LINQ is beneficial than Stored Procedures :-
There are
couple of advantage of LINQ over stored procedures.
1. Debugging - It is really very hard to debug the Stored procedure but as LINQ is part of .NET, you can use visual studio's debugger to debug the queries.
2. Deployment - With stored procedures, we need to provide an additional script for stored procedures but with LINQ everything gets complied into single DLL hence deployment becomes easy.
3. Type Safety - LINQ is type safe, so queries errors are type checked at compile time. It is really good to encounter an error when compiling rather than runtime exception!
1. Debugging - It is really very hard to debug the Stored procedure but as LINQ is part of .NET, you can use visual studio's debugger to debug the queries.
2. Deployment - With stored procedures, we need to provide an additional script for stored procedures but with LINQ everything gets complied into single DLL hence deployment becomes easy.
3. Type Safety - LINQ is type safe, so queries errors are type checked at compile time. It is really good to encounter an error when compiling rather than runtime exception!
LINQ extensions are:
Linq to Objects: This provides the ability to query IEnumerable<T>-based
information sources which include arrays, collections, list of objects.
Linq to XML: This provides efficient, easy-to-use, in-memory
XML manipulation capabilities to provide XPath/XQuery functionality to the
programming languages using simple query operators.
Linq to SQL: This gives the ability to access relational data
base objects as normal .Net objects. LINQ to SQL integrates SQL based schema
definitions to the common language runtime (CLR) type system. This provides
strong typing, syntax checking, intellisense over SQL objects, while retaining
the expressive power of the relational model and the performance of query
evaluation directly in the underlying database.
Linq to DataSet: Provides the ability to query ADO.NET Dataset.
Linq to Entities: Provides the querying capabilities over ADO.NET
A simple Linq query looks like
int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9,
8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
var lowNums = from n in numbers
where n < 5
select n;
var lowNums = from n in numbers
where n < 5
select n;
In the above query from
operator used like foreach keyword, where operator used for
conditional selection (restriction) and select is used as projection operator
to select the fields from the array. These are called Standard Query Operators.
The query returns an
IEnumerable<T> which references to an in-memory object whose CLR type
contains an array of integers, whose values are less than 5. These CLR types
are called anonymous types because they don't have a type name.
The same syntax is used when we
are querying over objects.
List<Product> products =
var expensiveInStockProducts =
from p in products
where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 20.00M
select p ;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (var i in expensiveInStockProducts){
var expensiveInStockProducts =
from p in products
where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 20.00M
select p ;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (var i in expensiveInStockProducts){
ProductsGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
ProductsGrid.DataSource = list;
ProductsGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
ProductsGrid.DataSource = list;
Select Operator to Project individual fields :-
var expensiveInStockProducts =
from p in products
where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 20.00M
select new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName };
where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 20.00M
select new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName };
In the above query, the variable
expensiveInStockProducts is the type of IEnumerable<anonymous type>
references to objects of an anonymous type which contains string ProductID,
string ProductName as part of the type definition. Because the Select operator
projecting only
ProductID, ProductName fields of
product object. These two fields are represented as string fields because both
are declared as strings as part of the Product type definition.
Some times we can give a new name
to the projected field like below:
var productInfos =
from p in products
select new { p.ProductName, p.Category, Price = p.UnitPrice };
from p in products
select new { p.ProductName, p.Category, Price = p.UnitPrice };
In the above query the UnitPrice
field is renamed with Price. And the generated type will have Price as the
field name instead of UnitPrice as below.
and Ordering with LINQ :-
The sorting functionality is
achieved by using the orderby opertaor. The below query outputs the
products ordered by the product name field.
var sortedProducts =
from p in products
orderby p.ProductName
select p;
The sorting can be ascending or
descending. By default the sorting will be ascending on the field name
specified by orderby operator. If we want to order them in descending
order we need to explicitly use the descending keyword followed by the field
name on which we want to apply the ordering.
var sortedProducts =
from p in products
orderby p.Category, p.UnitPrice descending
select p;
in LINQ :-
As like sql we can group the
objects using the 'group by' operator in Linq. A simple query which
demonstrates grouping is shown below.
var orderGroups =from p in
group p by p.Category;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
group p by p.Category;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (var i in orderGroups)
foreach ( var g in i.Products )
the above statement is used to iterate through the Product collection in each group g in the orderGroups
The output of the query
orderGroups becomes an enumeration of groups
(IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Product>>). Each item of this
enumeration defines a group (IGrouping<string, Product>). As in its
definition, IGrouping is defined as the combination of the key of the group
(p.Category) and the products grouped by this common key.
Normally we will use grouping to
get the group count or group max, min of the items. We can get the group count
as below. But if we want to use Max, Min operators on the grouped objects the
grouped objects must implement the IComparable inorder to do
var categoryCounts = from p in
(from c in products
group c by c.Category)
select new { p.Key, ProductCount = p.Count() };
(from c in products
group c by c.Category)
select new { p.Key, ProductCount = p.Count() };
For simplicity the same query can
be written using into operator with out using the nested query as shown
var categoryCounts =
from p in products
group p by p.Category into g
select new { Category = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() };
from p in products
group p by p.Category into g
select new { Category = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() };
The output of the above query
looks like below.
Operators (Distinct, Union, Intersect, Except)
The Distinct operator is used to
eliminate duplicate elements from a sequence.
var categoryNames = (
from p in products
select p.Category)
from p in products
select p.Category)
The output of the query gives an
enumerable object and which can be enumerated to get unique categories.
The Union operator is used to combine the objects of two collections,
but the output contains only distinct objects from both the collections.
The Intersect operator is used to find the objects which are common in
both the collections and outputs the same.
The Except operator is used to find the objects that are present in the
first collection but not present in the second collection. An example which
shows these three operators usage is shown below.
var productFirstChars =
from p in products
select p.ProductName[0];
var categoriesFirstChars =
from c in products2
select c.Category[0];
from p in products
select p.ProductName[0];
var categoriesFirstChars =
from c in products2
select c.Category[0];
var uniqueFirstChars = productFirstChars.Union(categoriesFirstChars);
var IntersectFirstChars = productFirstChars.Intersect(categoriesFirstChars);
var ExceptFirstChars = productFirstChars.Except(categoriesFirstChars);
Join in
Joins are the most important
function of SQL Operators. Linq supports join operations using the joinoperator.
The join operator performs an inner join of two collections based on matching
keys extracted from the elements. An equijoin can be implemented as below:
string[] categories = new
"Dairy Products",
"Seafood" };
"Dairy Products",
"Seafood" };
var q =
from c in categories
join p in products on c equals p.Category
select new { Category = c, p.ProductName };
The above query joining the
categories array with the products collection and the condition for joining is
equals means if any category string is matched with category field of the
Product object then that pair will be added to join output. And the select
operator projecting only the category string and ProductName field of Product.
The output will look like
expression :-
A Lambda expression is nothing
but an Anonymous Function, can contain expressions and statements. Lambda
expressions can be used mostly to create delegates or expression tree types.
Lambda expression uses lambda operator => and read as 'goes to' operator.
Left side of this operator specifies the input parameters and contains the expression or statement block at the right side.
Example: myExp = myExp/10;
Left side of this operator specifies the input parameters and contains the expression or statement block at the right side.
Example: myExp = myExp/10;
Now, let see how we can assign
the above to a delegate and create an expression tree:
delegate int myDel(int intMyNum);
static void Main(string[] args)
//assign lambda expression to a delegate:
myDel myDelegate = myExp => myExp / 10;
int intRes = myDelegate(110);
Console.WriteLine("Output {0}", intRes);
//Create an expression tree type
//This needs System.Linq.Expressions
Expression<myDel> myExpDel = myExp => myExp /10;
Note: The => operator has the same precedence as assignment (=) and is right-associative.
Lambdas are used in method-based LINQ queries as arguments to standard query operator methods such as Where.
Why Select
clause comes after from clause in LINQ :-
The reason is, LINQ is used with
C# or other programming languages, which requires all the variables to be
declared first. From clause of LINQ query just defines the range or conditions
to select records. So that’s why from clause must appear before Select in LINQ.
is the extension of the file, when LINQ to SQL is used :-
The extension of the file is .dbml
What is
the use of System.XML.XLinq.dll :-
System.XML.XLinq.dll contains
classes to provide functionality to use LINQ with XML.
What is
the use of System.Data.DLinq.dll :-
System.Data.DLinq.dll provides
functionality to work with LINQ to SQL.
of using LINQ on Dataset :-
The main aim of using LINQ to
Dataset is to run strongly typed queries on Dataset.
Suppose we want to combine the
results from two Datasets, or we want to take a distinct value from the
Dataset, then it is advisable to use LINQ.
Normally you can use the SQL
queries to run on the database to populate the Dataset, but you are not able to
use SQL query on a Dataset to retrieve a particular values. To get this you
need to use ADO.NET functionalities. But, in case of LINQ, it provides more
dignified way of querying the Dataset and provides some new features as
compared to ADO.NET.
They are LINQ Extension methods
which return a Boolean value
int[] arr={10,20,30};
var b=arr.All(a=>a>20);
b will return False since all
elements are not > 20.
vs XDocument :-
Both are the classes defined by System.Xml.Linq
XElement class
represents an XML fragment
XDocument class represents an entire XML document with all associated meta-data.
XDocument d = new XDocument(
new XComment("hello"),
new XElement("book",
new XElement("bookname", "ASP.NET"),
new XElement("authorname", "techmedia"),
XElement class
represents an XML fragment
XDocument class represents an entire XML document with all associated meta-data.
XDocument d = new XDocument(
new XComment("hello"),
new XElement("book",
new XElement("bookname", "ASP.NET"),
new XElement("authorname", "techmedia"),
List the important language extensions made in C#
to make LINQ a reality :-
1. Implicitly Typed Variables
2. Anonymous Types
3. Object Initializers
4. Lambda Expressions
1. Implicitly Typed Variables
2. Anonymous Types
3. Object Initializers
4. Lambda Expressions
Four LINQ Providers that .NET
Framework ships :-
1. LINQ to Objects - Executes a LINQ query against a collection of objects
2. LINQ to XML - Executes an XPATH query against XML documents
3. LINQ to SQL - Executes LINQ queries against Microsoft SQL Server.
4. LINQ to DataSets - Executes LINQ queries against ADO.NET DataSets.
1. LINQ to Objects - Executes a LINQ query against a collection of objects
2. LINQ to XML - Executes an XPATH query against XML documents
3. LINQ to SQL - Executes LINQ queries against Microsoft SQL Server.
4. LINQ to DataSets - Executes LINQ queries against ADO.NET DataSets.
OrderBy() vs Sort() method over IList :-
OrderBy() sorts and gives the
view IEnumerable(). But underlying list is sorted or not changed.
Sort() modifies the underlying list.
Sort() modifies the underlying list.
Select() vs SelectMany()
Select() converts one type to
another and returns enumerable.
SelectMany() flattens the elements and gives a combined list of elements.
SelectMany() flattens the elements and gives a combined list of elements.
Skip() vs SkipWhile() extension methods :-
Skip() will take an integer
argument and skips the top n numbers from the given IEnumerable
SkipWhile() continues to skip the elements as long as the input condition is true. Once condition turns false it will return all remaining elements.
Create a XML,
XElement lastName = new XElement ("LastName", "Haldar");
lastName.Add (new XComment ("Nice Name"));
XElement customer = new XElement ("Customer");
customer.Add (new XAttribute ("Id", 123));
customer.Add (new XElement ("FirstName", "Sujit"));
customer.Add (lastName);
Read data from XML,
XElement books = XElement.Parse(
<book no='1'>
<title>Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008</title>
<author>Joe Rattz</author>
<book no='2'>
<title>Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0</title>
<author>Bruce Bukovics</author>
<book no='3'>
<title>Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform, Third Edition</title>
<author>Andrew Troelsen</author>
var titles = from book in books.Elements("book")
where (string) book.Element("author") == "Joe Rattz"
select book.Element("title");
foreach(var title in titles)
Select Query with And, OR condition and Distinct
var qry = (from e in Employees
where e.EmpCode == "E-0001" && (e.Address == "Chicago" || e.DeptId == 2)
select new {e.EmpId, Code = e.EmpCode, EmpName = (e.EmpFName +" "+e.EmpLName), Phone = e.Phone }).Distinct();
Order By
var itm = from e in Employees
where e.EmpCode == "E-0001" && e.DeptId > 0 && e.DeptId < 4 && e.Address.Contains("Chi")
orderby e.EmpCode,e.EmpLName
select new {e.EmpId, Code = e.EmpCode, LastName = e.EmpLName, Phone = e.Phone};
Group By
var q = from e in Employees
group e by e.DeptId into Group
// select Group;
select new
DeptId = Group.Key,
No_of_Employee = Group.Count()
Another way to grouping
var categoryCounts = from p in
(from e in Employees
group e by e.DeptId)
select new { DeptId = p.Key, EmpCount = p.Count() };
Inner Join example
var jn = from t1 in Employees
join t2 in Departments on t1.DeptId equals t2.DeptId
select new { t1.EmpCode, t2.DeptCode};
Inner Join with multiple conditions
var jnm = from t1 in Employees
join t2 in Departments on new {K1 = t1.DeptId, K2 = t1.EmpId} equals new {K1 = t2.DeptId, K2 = 1}
where t1.EmpLName == "Haldar"
select new { t1.EmpCode, t2.DeptCode};
Left Join
var LeftJoin = from t1 in Departments
join t2 in Employees on t1.DeptId equals t2.DeptId into JoinedEmpDept
from t22 in JoinedEmpDept.DefaultIfEmpty()
// where t1.EmpLName == "Haldar"
select new { EmpCode = t22.EmpCode == null ? "Empty" : t22.EmpCode, DeptCode = t1.DeptCode };
Skip, Take, Distinct
var pagedTitles = itm.Skip(2);
var titlesToShow = itm.Take(2);
var distinctItem = itm.Distinct();
SkipWhile() continues to skip the elements as long as the input condition is true. Once condition turns false it will return all remaining elements.
Create a XML,
XElement lastName = new XElement ("LastName", "Haldar");
lastName.Add (new XComment ("Nice Name"));
XElement customer = new XElement ("Customer");
customer.Add (new XAttribute ("Id", 123));
customer.Add (new XElement ("FirstName", "Sujit"));
customer.Add (lastName);
Read data from XML,
XElement books = XElement.Parse(
<book no='1'>
<title>Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008</title>
<author>Joe Rattz</author>
<book no='2'>
<title>Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0</title>
<author>Bruce Bukovics</author>
<book no='3'>
<title>Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform, Third Edition</title>
<author>Andrew Troelsen</author>
var titles = from book in books.Elements("book")
where (string) book.Element("author") == "Joe Rattz"
select book.Element("title");
foreach(var title in titles)
Select Query with And, OR condition and Distinct
var qry = (from e in Employees
where e.EmpCode == "E-0001" && (e.Address == "Chicago" || e.DeptId == 2)
select new {e.EmpId, Code = e.EmpCode, EmpName = (e.EmpFName +" "+e.EmpLName), Phone = e.Phone }).Distinct();
Order By
var itm = from e in Employees
where e.EmpCode == "E-0001" && e.DeptId > 0 && e.DeptId < 4 && e.Address.Contains("Chi")
orderby e.EmpCode,e.EmpLName
select new {e.EmpId, Code = e.EmpCode, LastName = e.EmpLName, Phone = e.Phone};
Group By
var q = from e in Employees
group e by e.DeptId into Group
// select Group;
select new
DeptId = Group.Key,
No_of_Employee = Group.Count()
Another way to grouping
var categoryCounts = from p in
(from e in Employees
group e by e.DeptId)
select new { DeptId = p.Key, EmpCount = p.Count() };
Inner Join example
var jn = from t1 in Employees
join t2 in Departments on t1.DeptId equals t2.DeptId
select new { t1.EmpCode, t2.DeptCode};
Inner Join with multiple conditions
var jnm = from t1 in Employees
join t2 in Departments on new {K1 = t1.DeptId, K2 = t1.EmpId} equals new {K1 = t2.DeptId, K2 = 1}
where t1.EmpLName == "Haldar"
select new { t1.EmpCode, t2.DeptCode};
Left Join
var LeftJoin = from t1 in Departments
join t2 in Employees on t1.DeptId equals t2.DeptId into JoinedEmpDept
from t22 in JoinedEmpDept.DefaultIfEmpty()
// where t1.EmpLName == "Haldar"
select new { EmpCode = t22.EmpCode == null ? "Empty" : t22.EmpCode, DeptCode = t1.DeptCode };
Skip, Take, Distinct
var pagedTitles = itm.Skip(2);
var titlesToShow = itm.Take(2);
var distinctItem = itm.Distinct();
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